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Blog » Inspirational Finance Quotes » Albert Einstein – The Hardest Thing to Understand

Albert Einstein – The Hardest Thing to Understand

Albert Einstein - The Hardest Thing to Understand

“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.”

– Albert Einstein

While the average accountant might agree that quantum physics is just a smidge more confusing than income tax, it’s no surprise that the greatest scientific mind of the modern age found himself scratching his genius head over the tax codes of yore.

When Albert Einstein spoke these words, he was arguing, in a way, that human existence shouldn’t come with a financial cost – after all, the human didn’t ask to be born. However, if there’s one thing to take away from it, it’s that the response that we all have as citizens is going to be the hardest one to comprehend, and the smartest people in the world are accountants.


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