There are tens of thousands of credit cards out there. Reward cards typically provide you, the cardholder, something in return for using them. Of all the rewards cards, those that offer you cash back on your purchases are the best. If you are the type of person who diligently pays off your credit card balance in full each month (and let’s face it, most of us don’t), you should definitely take advantage of a cash back rewards program. Here are five of the best cash back cards out there today. These can be used for business, pleasure or a combo of the two.
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ToggleThe Chase Freedom Card
The Chase Freedom credit card is one of the best cash back cards out there. You can earn up to five percent cash back on a wide variety of purchases, in common places like department stores, wholesale clubs, and drug stores. Outside of those categories, you can earn an unlimited one percent cash back on almost all other purchases, too. The card also offers additional opportunities to earn significantly higher levels of cash back rewards on specialty purchases as well. On top of the cash back benefits, the Chase Freedom card offers a zero percent APR for the first 15 months, and no annual fees.
Citi Double Cash Card
The Citi Double Cash Card is an awesome credit card with an innovative cash reward system. It pays you one percent cash back on each purchase, and another one percent as you pay off those purchases, for two percent cash back. Like the Chase Freedom, the Double Cash Card starts with 0 percent APR and no annual fee, and also does not charge you for credit balance transfers to the card, either.
Blue Cash Preferred
The Blue Cash Preferred card, by American Express, is another card for those people with big families and even bigger grocery bills. The card offers a whopping six percent back on grocery purchases, up to $6000 per year. It also offers a generous three percent cash back on gas station and department store purchases. Lastly, if offers one percent cash back overall. While it has an annual fee of $95, its impressive cash back on many common purchases nonetheless makes this card a very attractive deal.
Fidelity Rewards Visa Signature
The Fidelity Rewards Visa Signature card allows you to earn an unlimited amount of cash back at a two percent rate. It also has a lucrative rewards points system, which allows you to redeem rewards (based on expenditures) on many popular items. The card has no annual fee, and is seemingly custom made for e-wallet payment systems, like Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay.
BankAmericard Cash Rewards Card
BankAmericard Cash Reward Card is a “can’t miss deal” for anyone who has a Bank of America account. This has no fee annually, and offers a modest one percent back on all purchases. It offers two percent on grocery and wholesale club purchases, and three percent on gas. It also goes up to $2500 cash back each quarter. However, if you directly deposit the cash back into your Bank of America account, you get an additional ten percent cash back. The bonus can be even higher if you are a Bank of America Preferred Rewards client, too.
If you use a credit card daily in your business or your everyday life, AND you pay your balance off each month, you are missing out on easy money if you don’t use a cash back rewards credit card. These five cards offer a variety of bonuses and rewards to earn money on your purchases . So, research which card is the best for you, and start earning some cash back today.