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Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)


A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is a type of investment vehicle in the financial sector that provides a mix of insurance coverage and investment. Policy holders can pay premium that is split into two parts: one part provides insurance cover, while the other part is invested in various equity and debt schemes. Therefore, the plan offers both investment opportunities and life insurance coverage under a single integrated plan.


The phonetic pronunciation for Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) would be:You-nit Linked In-shur-uhns Plan (Yew-lip)

Key Takeaways

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Investment and Insurance Coverage: ULIPs are unique in that they combine the benefits of investment and insurance coverage into one package. This allows policyholders to potentially grow their wealth while also ensuring that they are protected in the case of unfortunate events.

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Flexibility: ULIPs offer a great level of flexibility to their investors. Depending on their risk appetite and financial goals, investors can choose to allot their funds into equity, debt, or balanced fund options. Apart from this, they also have the flexibility to switch between funds during the policy tenure.

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Tax benefits: Investments made in ULIPs are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Additionally, the maturity proceeds from ULIPs are also tax-free under Section 10(10D), making them a tax-efficient investment option.



Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is considered important in business/finance due to its dual nature, providing both investment opportunities and insurance coverage. This multipurpose financial tool enables investors to find a balance between risk and returns, as the choice of investment assets is flexible, ranging from equity to debt funds based on individual risk appetite. The insurance component of ULIP secures the policyholder’s family against unforeseen circumstances, providing financial stability. Furthermore, ULIPs offer substantial tax benefits under various sections of the Income Tax Act, making them a tax-efficient vehicle for investment. Hence, their integrated approach to investment and insurance needs make them a significant aspect of financial planning.


The primary purpose of a Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is to provide a combination of investment and insurance to an investor. ULIP serves a dual benefit by offering life insurance coverage to the policyholder while simultaneously investing a part of the premium paid in equity, debts, or other related funds agreed upon by the investor. It is designed to deliver medium- to long-term investment along with the added benefit of an insurance wrapper. This amalgamation solidifies the safety net for the investor’s family in case of their untimely demise, while also ensuring the growth of their capital over time.ULIPs are largely used for achieving long-term financial goals. They are designed in such a way where a part of the premium paid is directed towards life insurance and the remaining sum is invested in various funds that can appreciate over time. These funds can range widely across equities, bonds, debts, market funds, or a hybrid, depending on the risk appetite of the investor. The unique selling point of ULIPs is that they offer tax benefits on both the investment and the returns, making them a popular choice among investors seeking dual benefits of insurance and investment growth. Therefore, ULIPs serve the multi-faceted purpose of providing risk cover, acting as an investment avenue, and offering tax benefits.


1. HDFC Life Click2Invest: This is a ULIP provided by HDFC Life, one of India’s leading private life insurance companies. HDFC Life Click2Invest offers policyholders life cover along with the opportunity to invest in a variety of different fund options. The plan offers policyholders eight fund options to help them achieve their investment goals.2. LIC’s New Endowment Plus Plan: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), India’s largest life insurance player, offers this unit-linked endowment plan. It essentially offers a combination of insurance and investment under a single integrated plan. The premium paid by the policyholder will partly be used for life cover, while the remaining amount will be invested in the stock market.3. ICICI Prudential Life’s Elite Life II: This is a unit-linked insurance plan offered by ICICI Prudential Life Insurance company. This plan provides life coverage, and also gives the policyholder the option to invest in one or more market-linked funds of their choice. It allows switching between different funds, giving flexibility to manage investments according to the changing market conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)?

A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is an investment product that serves as both an insurance policy and an investment scheme. It provides insurance coverage as well as opportunities for investment in the stock market.

How does a ULIP work?

When you pay your premium in a ULIP, a part of it goes towards providing for your life insurance coverage while the rest gets invested in a fund of your choice. This fund can be a debt fund, equity fund or a blend of both.

What are the benefits of a ULIP?

ULIPs offer several benefits such as life coverage, flexibility to switch between investment funds, potential for high returns if market performs well, tax benefits under Section 80C and 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, etc.

Are ULIPs risky?

Since a portion of the investment goes into equities, the risk factor in ULIPs is higher than a traditional insurance product. The risk entirely depends on the market’s performance.

Can I withdraw money from my ULIP before the maturity date?

Yes, ULIPs do allow partial withdrawals after a lock-in period, usually 5 years. However, it’s important to note that making withdrawals might reduce the amount of life cover and the fund value at maturity.

Are there any charges associated with a ULIP?

Yes, ULIPs come with various charges like premium allocation charge, fund management charge, mortality charge, policy administration charge etc. It’s essential to understand these charges before investing.

What happens to the ULIP upon the death of the policyholder?

In the event of the policyholder’s death, the nominee will receive the higher of the sum assured or the fund value. Some plans may offer both.

Can I increase the premium or term of coverage in ULIP?

The ability to increase the premium or the term of coverage can vary among insurance companies. However, generally, the term of coverage cannot be extended once the ULIP has been purchased. Premiums may be altered based on the type of ULIP.

What is a lock-in period in a ULIP?

The lock-in period in a ULIP is the time during which you cannot withdraw or cancel your policy. In India, the lock-in period for ULIPs is typically 5 years.

Related Finance Terms

  • Policyholder
  • Equity Funds
  • Insurance Premiums
  • Investment Risk
  • Lock-in Period

Sources for More Information

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