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Revaluation is a financial term that refers to the adjustment of the value of an asset or currency. This usually happens when there are significant changes in market values or in inflation rates. Its purpose is to accurately reflect the current economic conditions or the value of the asset or currency in the financial statements.


The phonetic spelling of “Revaluation” is /ˌriːvæljuːˈeɪʃn/.

Key Takeaways

Sure, here is the information in HTML numbered form:

  1. Revaluation is an adjustment made to the recorded value of an asset to accurately reflect its current market value. This usually happens when the market value of an asset that a company holds has increased in value.
  2. This process often results in increased depreciation costs, as the asset’s value is higher and its life expectancy is unchanged. Therefore, revaluation can impact a company’s financial report and result in higher tax payments.
  3. Though it has many advantages including improved borrowing capacity, true representation of assets, etc., there are also risks involved such as changes in depreciation amounts and if not done objectively, it can lead to window dressing.


Revaluation is an important concept in business and finance as it refers to deliberate adjustment of the value of a business’ assets or foreign currencies relative to the baseline, typically market value. This process can significantly impact the financial health and status of a business. Revaluating assets can lead to an increase in a company’s net worth or book value as economic conditions change over time, thus providing a more accurate and up-to-date financial picture of the company. On a larger scale, revaluation of a nation’s currency can affect trade balance, control inflation, and stimulate economic growth. Therefore, understanding the implications of revaluation is crucial for sound financial management and strategic planning.


Revaluation serves the purpose of accurately adjusting the value of an asset or a currency to reflect its current market value, or for other such reasons as changes in market dynamics or inflation rates. Basically, it’s a strategy that companies or nations use to adjust the value of certain assets or currencies. This is often done to reflect drastic changes that might have occurred pertaining to the economic parameters. For instance, a business might revalue its fixed assets amidst significant market changes or following improvements and renovations, in order to provide a true estimation of the company’s worth to stakeholders.Revaluation is especially pertinent in the context of currency exchange rates within international trade. When a particular nation’s currency undergoes revaluation, it results in an increase in the value of the currency in relation to foreign currencies. This is often done by governments to control inflation, stabilize the economy, and manipulate exchange rates. Thus, revaluation aids in creating an equitable valuation for assets or currencies, and supports economic stability and transparency by providing an accurate representation of value.


1. Venezuela’s Currency Revaluation: In 2018, Venezuela revalued its currency, Bolivar, by removing five zeros from it and introducing new banknotes and coins. This was a measure to counteract the hyperinflation in the country, as the Bolivar had lost around 99.99% of its value within a year.2. The Chinese Yuan: In 2005, China ended a decade-old peg of the yuan to the U.S. dollar, allowing its currency to appreciate in response to market forces. This was a revaluation as the Chinese government recognized that the yuan was undervalued. 3. Iraq’s Dinar Revaluation: Throughout the 2000s, Iraq had contemplated revaluating the country’s currency, the Dinar. The government aimed to increase the Dinar’s value against the dollar to give more purchasing power to the Iraqi people and reduce inflation. However, the process has faced several challenges and delays.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Revaluation?

Revaluation is a strategic adjustment made to a country’s official exchange rate relative to a baseline or standard, such as gold or the U.S. dollar. It results in an increase of the value of the country’s currency compared to other currencies.

Why is Revaluation necessary?

Revaluation boosts the value of a country’s currency and helps to control inflation. It can also make a country’s exports more expensive which can reduce the trade deficit.

What is the impact of Revaluation on import and export businesses?

Revaluation makes imported goods cheaper and exports more expensive given the increased value of domestic currency, thus, it might impact businesses that primarily export negatively while benefitting import businesses.

How does Revaluation affect the general economy?

Revaluation can affect the economy in various ways. Typically, it makes imports cheaper, which can help reduce inflation and potentially stimulate domestic consumption. However, it also makes exports more expensive, which could potentially harm industries reliant on exports.

Who decides and performs the Revaluation?

The central bank or other monetary authority of a country often oversees and executes the revaluation of a country’s currency.

How often do Revaluations occur?

Revaluations don’t happen on a defined schedule. They generally occur when a country’s monetary authority decides it’s necessary to adjust the value of its currency.

Is Revaluation a good or bad indicator for the economy?

It depends. Revaluation often indicates that a country’s economy is growing stronger. However, if the revaluation is too abrupt or too large, it can potentially bring negative impacts by making exports too expensive, thereby hurting domestic industries.

What is the difference between Revaluation and Devaluation?

Revaluation refers to increasing the value of a country’s currency, while devaluation refers to lowering its value. Both are monetary policy tools used by a country’s central bank to manage and stabilize the economy.

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Sources for More Information

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