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Quasi-reorganization is a financial restructuring strategy used by companies to revise their financial structure without filing for bankruptcy. It involves re-evaluation and adjustment of asset values as well as elimination of deficit in a company’s retained earnings. Essentially, it is a process that provides a fresh-start accounting, similar to an actual corporate reorganization.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Quasi-Reorganization” is: Kwoh-zee – Ree-or-guh-nuh-zay-shun

Key Takeaways

<ol><li>Quasi-Reorganization is a seldom-used strategy utilized by companies to “reset” their financial situation in order to preserve the integrity of the balance sheet. Without recording bankruptcy, this process supports the realignment of assets and liabilities, allowing the organization to continue operations, but with a fresh start.</li><li>It often involves a company-wide process reevaluation, potentially adjusting operations, financial planning, and restructuring. It requires a thorough and comprehensive review of the company’s financial status, and the agreement of shareholders as their equity can sometimes be jeopardized during the process.</li><li>Quasi-Reorganization is generally considered a last resort, as it can have severe consequences on the investors’ confidence and the company’s market value. Yet, when handled well, it can offer companies a way to rebound, re-strategize, and potentially secure a more profitable and sustainable future.</li></ol>


Quasi-reorganization is an important concept in business and finance because it allows a company that is financially troubled, but not bankrupt, to restate its assets to a realistic market value and eliminate its deficit in retained earnings while continuing operations and without formal bankruptcy proceedings and the associated costs. This restatement of accounts gives the company a fresh start financially without any actual structural changes or interruptions in its operations, which can aid in debt recovery, and improve its financial ratios and attractiveness to investors. Therefore, it acts as an alternative strategy to restore a company’s financial health whilst maintaining its business continuity.


Quasi-reorganization serves as a crucial financial tool for companies experiencing economic troubles or significant losses. Primarily, it allows companies to eliminate past deficits and set up new bases for accounting purposes without having to resort to formal bankruptcy proceedings or legal reorganization. A company may use quasi-reorganization to alter its capital structure, reduce debt, and restate asset values in a manner that reflect fair market value rather than historic cost. This method helps companies to improve their financial position and provides a fresh start, as if it’s a brand new entity. It is important to realize that quasi-reorganization is a one-time action intended to restore a company’s shaken investor confidence, improve its fiscal health, and set it on a trajectory of future profitability. It also impacts the financial presentation of the company. Post reorganization, the retained earnings account is set to zero, and any asset write-downs or write-offs made during this process is accounted for in the updated balance. Note that shareholder approval is typically required to undertake a quasi-reorganization because of substantial changes it imposes on the company’s capital structure and asset valuation.


1. Polaroid Corporation: This famous company once known for its instant film cameras, fell into financial difficulties and had to declare bankruptcy. In 2001, they underwent a quasi-reorganization which involved restructuring their debts and equity, and making significant changes in their business model, from focusing on instant cameras to more on digital imaging technologies and consumer electronics.2. RadioShack: The electronics retailer RadioShack faced financial troubles in 2015, after decades in business. The brand declared bankruptcy and underwent a quasi-reorganization. The company had to make significant changes in its overall business strategy, particularly by closing a big number of physical stores and focusing more on online sales.3. Eastman Kodak: This iconic company, known for its role in the popularization of photographic film, faced significant financial troubles due to the widespread adoption of digital photography. They filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and underwent a quasi-reorganization. This involved restructuring their significant debt and refocusing their business on certain profitable divisions, such as commercial printing and imaging services.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Quasi-Reorganization?

Quasi-Reorganization is a unique method employed by companies to restructure their financial statements without declaring bankruptcy. It involves adjustments to the retained earnings and other accounts to nullify accumulated deficit.

What is the purpose of Quasi-Reorganization?

The purpose of Quasi-Reorganization is to give a business with significant accumulated deficits a fresh financial start without having to go through the complexities of legal bankruptcy proceedings.

How does the process of Quasi-Reorganization happen?

The process of Quasi-Reorganization includes four steps: to eliminate the deficit by reducing the stated capital (common stock) and additional paid-in capital, to restate assets to current market value, the business continues without interruption, and the retained earnings starts at zero again.

Is Quasi-Reorganization legally binding or recognized?

Quasi-Reorganization is not a legally recognized procedure for settling debts, as it is an accounting adjustment. Its execution does not offer the business any legal protection from creditors.

When should a company consider Quasi-Reorganization?

A company should consider Quasi-Reorganization when its deficit is significant and the company wants to maintain operations and avoid bankruptcy, or when a turnaround in operations couldn’t quickly eliminate the deficit.

What are the pros and cons of Quasi-Reorganization?

Pros include giving the company a fresh financial start, avoiding the stigma and complexities of bankruptcy, and it may provide a better financial image to stakeholders. Cons include the lack of legal protection from creditors, and it does not address the root causes of financial distress.

Does a Quasi-Reorganization affect the operational side of a business?

No, a Quasi-Reorganization only adjusts the financial statements of a business. It does not affect the day-to-day operations of the company. However, a careful review of operational efficiencies might accompany such a financial adjustment.

Related Finance Terms

  • Balance Sheet Restatement
  • Retained Earnings
  • Deficit Elimination
  • Corporate Restructuring
  • Shareholder Approval

Sources for More Information

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