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Present Value


Present value (PV) is a financial term that refers to the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a specific rate of return. It computes the value of future money in today’s terms. The calculation helps determine what an investment or any amount of cash could be valued at today.


The phonetic pronunciation for “Present Value” is: /ˈprɛzənt ˈvæljuː/

Key Takeaways

<ol><li>Present Value showcases the concept of time value of money: The main takeaway of present value is that it illustrates the idea that money today is worth more than the same amount of money in the future. This serves as the foundation of many financial concepts and decisions.</li><li>It is used in financial modeling and investment decision making: Present value is used in financial modeling to determine the current worth of future cash flows. It helps in comparing investment options, pricing bonds, determining rates of return or understanding the impact of different financing options.</li><li>Present Value depends on the rate of interest: The rate of interest, also referred to as the discount rate, plays a crucial role in determining the present value. Higher the discount rate, lower the present value of future earnings since a high discount rate decreases the value of future cash flows.</li></ol>


The concept of Present Value (PV) is crucial in business and finance as it allows companies and investors to determine the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a specified rate of return. This is important because money loses value over time due to factors like inflation, risk, and opportunity cost. The Present Value calculation aids in making investment decisions, comparing financial products, pricing bonds, and setting up amortization schedules for loans. It essentially helps in understanding if the future cash inflows from an investment, project or financial product are worth more than the current outflow of cash or vice versa, enabling informed decision-making around investments, loans, and other financial commitments.


Present Value (PV) serves as a fundamental concept in finance and business that helps decision makers understand the worth of a future amount of money in terms of today’s value. This concept is crucial in deciding whether an investment is profitable by comparing the value of money today to the expected value in the future. For businesses, PV can be used in evaluating projects’ profitability, planning fiscal procedures, and capital budgeting. PV gives discernment into how much a future cash flow is worth today, enabling companies to make well-informed decisions concerning investments, loans, leases, and other financial commitments.PV’s role is evident in the determination of discounted cash flows, which is a method used for valuating a project, a company or an asset based on the principle that a dollar in the future is not worth a dollar today. Cash today can be invested to generate more money in the future, so money received in the future is not as valuable as money received now. This concept elicits the understanding that the value of money decreases over time due to potential earning capacity, inflation, risk and preference for consumption. While the concept may seem complex, understanding present value is fundamental for assessing the profitability of investments, thereby playing an essential role in financial decision making.


1. Education Fund: Let’s say parents want to build a college fund for their child who will go to college in 15 years. The estimated cost of college at that time is expected to be $100,000. To determine how much they need to invest now, they would calculate the present value of $100,000 by taking into account expected inflation and average investment returns over that 15-year period.2. Buying a House: Consider a person who wishes to purchase a house valued at $300,000, and he pledges to make the payment three years from now. To calculate how much he needs to save or invest today considering the investment returns and inflation, he would find the present value of that $300,000.3. Business Investments: A company plans to undertake a project which is expected to bring in a profit of $500,000 in 5 years. To determine whether it is worth investing in the project, the company will calculate the present value of $500,000, by taking into account the expected return on investment over that 5-year period. This present value will then be compared with the total cost of the project to see if it’s a profitable venture.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the concept of present value in finance?

Present value (PV) refers to the concept that money available today is worth more than the same amount in the future, due to its earning potential. This principle, often referred to as the time value of money, allows investors to compare the value of dollars at different points in time, hence influencing investment decisions.

How is present value calculated?

The present value calculation involves three elements: the future cash flow, the discount or interest rate, and the number of time periods in the future. The formula is PV = FV / (1 + r)^n, where PV is the present value, FV is the future value, r is the interest rate, and n is the number of periods.

Why is present value important in finance?

Present value is a critical principle in finance as it quantifies the opportunity cost of investing or spending money today, making it possible to compare the worthiness of different investment opportunities.

How does inflation impact the present value?

Inflation reduces the purchasing power of a dollar over time, therefore reducing the present value of future cash flows. This is why we typically discount future cashflows when calculating present value.

What is the difference between present value and future value?

While present value provides an estimate of how much a future sum of money is worth today, future value provides an estimate of how much a sum of money today will be worth in the future, given a certain interest rate or growth rate.

Can the present value be negative?

Yes, the present value can be negative. It usually happens when the cash outflow (or expense) is expected to occur before the cash inflow, indicating that you have to spend money before you make it.

How does the discount rate affect the present value?

The discount rate applied in the present value calculation directly impacts the present value of cash flows. A higher discount rate will decrease the present value of future cash flows, while a lower rate will increase their present value.

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Sources for More Information

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