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Money Factor


The Money Factor is a term used in the auto leasing industry, representing the interest rate on a lease. It is calculated by dividing the annual percentage rate (APR) by 2,400. The lower the money factor, the lower the lease payments will be, so consumers usually aim for a smaller money factor.


The phonetics of the keyword “Money Factor” is: /ˈmʌni ˈfæktər/

Key Takeaways

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  1. Money Factor determines the amount of interest payable on lease contracts – it essentially serves as the interest rate in such agreements.
  2. Money Factor is often expressed in decimal figures instead of percentages and can be converted to an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for clarity.
  3. Lower Money Factor values generally mean lower lease payments – therefore, a lower Money Factor is usually more favorable for the lessee.



The Money Factor is a crucial term in business and finance, particularly in the context of auto leasing. It is vital because it essentially determines the amount of interest you’ll pay over the lease. Simply put, the Money Factor is the equivalent of the annual interest rate, although it’s presented differently. A lower Money Factor means less interest, ultimately leading to lower monthly lease payments, thereby allowing customers to potentially afford vehicles they might not be able to if they were buying. Therefore, understanding and negotiating the Money Factor can lead to significant cost savings over the life of the car lease.


The Money Factor is a critical component primarily used in the context of auto leasing. The main purpose of the Money Factor is to determine the amount of interest the lessee will pay during the lease term. It allows customers and leasing companies to calculate the lease’s cost and the monthly lease payment. Additionally, it provides a clear way to compare different leasing options and find the most cost-effective solution. Moreover, the Money Factor serves for lessors as an instrument for risk management and revenue generation. Lessor decides the Money Factor based on creditworthiness of the potential lessee, hence a lessee with lower credit score might end up with higher Money Factor. Therefore, the Money Factor represents not only the cost of borrowing for the lessee but also a profit margin for the lessor. Sequentially, understanding and negotiating the Money Factor can save lessees money and provide a clearer image of their lease contract’s interest charges.


Example 1:John is looking to lease a new car. The dealer offers him a lease with a money factor of 0.0025. This is the equivalent of a 6% APR (Annual Percentage Rate). John can use this figure to compare the finance charges on his car lease with other types of loans.Example 2:Sarah is considering a lease on an upscale condo. The leasing agency presents her with a money factor of 0.003, which translates into a 7.2% APR. Sarah finds it expensive and decides to negotiate the terms.Example 3:A business wants to lease some high-cost equipment. Different leasing companies provide money factors for lease financing. As a business owner, the company compares these given factors, which equates to the implicit interest rate, before determining which offer is the best deal. In each of these examples, the money factor is used to calculate the cost of borrowing, enabling consumers or businesses to make informed financial decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Money Factor in finance and business?

The Money Factor refers to the interest rate for a car lease. It is a method of presenting the amount of interest on a lease for an automobile. The lower the money factor, the less you will pay in interest over time.

How is the Money Factor calculated?

The Money Factor is usually calculated by taking the annual interest rate of a car lease, dividing it by 2400. For example, if the interest rate is 6%, the Money Factor would be 0.0025.

Why is the Money Factor important?

The Money Factor is significant because it directly affects the overall cost of leasing a car. The lower the money factor, the lower your monthly lease payments will be.

How can I find the Money Factor in my lease agreement?

The Money Factor is not always clearly shown in a lease contract. However, you can ask the leasing company or the dealership to provide you with this information.

How does the Money Factor differ from APR?

While both relate to the cost of borrowing, they are not the same. The Money Factor is used for leases and is typically a much smaller number than the APR, which is used for loans.

Can the Money Factor be negotiated?

Yes, like many aspects of a car lease, the Money Factor can often be negotiated. It’s important to have a good understanding of the Money Factor to secure the best possible deal.

What affects the Money Factor?

The Money Factor can be influenced by various factors like your credit score, the residual value of the car, and the leasing company’s policies among others.

How does the Money Factor impact my monthly lease payment?

The Money Factor, along with the term of the lease and the residual value, is used to calculate your monthly lease payments. A lower Money Factor will typically result in lower monthly payments.

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Sources for More Information

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