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Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA)


A Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) is a legal document that grants an individual or entity the authority to perform specific activities on behalf of another person, typically in relation to managing financial affairs or investments. The powers granted under this document are limited to certain tasks or for a specified period. Unlike a general power of attorney, an LPOA does not encompass all aspects of a person’s financial life.


Limited Power of Attorney: /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ /ˈpaʊər/ əv/ əˈtɜːrni/LPOA: /ˌɛlˌpiːˈoʊˈeɪ/

Key Takeaways

1. Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) specifies restricted powers: In contrast to a general power of attorney, an LPOA only gives the agent specific powers for a limited period of time. The principal clearly defines what the agent can and cannot do within the document. It is often used for a specific transaction, like the closing on the sale of a residence, or handling the principal’s financial transactions while they are traveling. 2. LPOA ends based on conditions: A limited power of attorney automatically ends when the specific task is completed, or when the specified period of time has passed. It can also be terminated if the principal becomes incapacitated or dies, or at any time at the discretion of the principal.3. LPOA offers protection and control: An LPOA offers the principal the assurance that their affairs are to be handled according to their wishes. It specifies restrictions and powers created under the Limited Power of Attorney, giving the principal greater control of their affairs. In addition, the agent can be held legally responsible for any misconduct or negligence, offering further protection to the principal.


The Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) is crucial in business/finance contexts because it grants a designated individual or entity the legal authority to act on behalf of another person, specifically within specified parameters or certain transactions. This is vital for individuals who may not be able to be present or capable to handle all necessary financial decisions due to various reasons such as travel, illnesses, or other commitments. The LPOA provides flexibility and ensures continuity in financial management by enabling authorized individuals to conduct business, sign documents, or perform transactions within the agreed-upon boundaries. It adds an extra layer of protection as it restricts the extent of the actions the appointed individual can perform, providing both control and security to the principal.


The purpose of a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) is to grant another individual or entity the legal authority to act on one’s behalf within specific, predetermined parameters. This particular form of power of attorney is typically used as a fail-safe measure to ensure that important financial or business operations can continue even if the principal party is unable to perform the required actions for whatever reason. Whether it’s due to temporary incapacity, geographical constraint or a strategic choice, an LPOA lets an individual assign their financial responsibilities to another party while still maintaining control over the extent of those responsibilities.How LPOA is used varies widely according to the specific needs of the situation. For instance, an investor may grant an LPOA to their financial advisor, providing them with the authority to execute trades on their behalf without needing to get explicit permission every time. Likewise, a business owner may assign an LPOA to a trusted associate, allowing them to enter into contracts, access specific accounts, or make certain decisions for the company. In each case, the LPOA helps streamline the decision-making process, reduce bureaucratic hurdles, and ensure continuity of business or financial operations. However, its limited scope ensures the principal retains a significant degree of command over their financial affairs, reducing risk of misuse.


1. Investment Management: If an investor wishes to have their portfolio managed by a professional, they will often sign a Limited Power of Attorney. This allows the portfolio manager to make investments on the client’s behalf, but they are still limited in their power. For example, they usually can’t withdraw money, transfer ownership, or make changes to the investor’s beneficial interests.2. Real Estate Transactions: In a real estate setting, a principal may grant LPOA to an agent to handle particular transactions on their behalf. For example, if the principal is unable to be present for the signing of important documents related to the sale of a property, they may give LPOA to someone they trust to sign the documents for them. However, the agent does not have blanket authority to act on behalf of the principal in all matters, only those explicit in the LPOA.3. Elderly Financial Management: As individuals age, they may grant a family member or trusted individual LPOA to manage certain aspects of their finances, such as paying bills, managing investments, or handling insurance matters. This arrangement allows elders to have assistance with some parts of their financial affairs while keeping control over others.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA)?

A Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) is a legal document that allows an individual, usually referred to as the ‘principal’ , to assign legal authority to another person, known as the ‘agent’ , to handle specific financial transactions on their behalf. The power given to the agent is limited to specific tasks and circumstances that are set by the principal.

When is LPOA typically used in finance and business?

An LPOA is typically used in finance and business when the principal cannot be physically present to complete certain transactions or if the principal is physically or mentally incapable. A stockbroker might need an LPOA to execute trades in a client’s account, or a business manager might need an LPOA to sign financial documents for a traveling CEO.

Can an LPOA be revoked or changed?

Yes, an LPOA can be revoked or changed at any time as long as the principal is mentally competent. The principal needs to make a written notice of revocation and notify the agent as well as any institutions or people that may be affected.

What happens with a Limited Power of Attorney if the principal dies or becomes incapacitated?

Generally, an LPOA ends if the principal dies or becomes incapacitated, unless specified otherwise in the agreement. If the principal wants the LPOA to continue past incapacity, they should include a “durable” clause in the original document.

Is a LPOA legally binding?

Yes, a Limited Power of Attorney is legally binding as long as it was signed by the principal, the agent, and in some cases, it may be required to be notarized or witnessed. It’s recommended to consult with a lawyer while drafting any legal document.

Who should keep copies of the LPOA?

The principal should keep the original LPOA and the agent(s) should have copies. Other entities, like banking and investment institutions where the principal holds accounts, may require their own copies.

Can an LPOA be used to handle personal affairs apart from financial ones?

An LPOA can be used to delegate authority for a range of tasks, which may or may not be financial. However, this depends on the specific permissions set out in the LPOA document. Always consult with a legal professional for specific circumstances.

Related Finance Terms

  • Principal: This is the person who grants the limited power of attorney to another individual or entity.
  • Agent or Attorney-in-fact: This is the individual or entity that is given the limited power of attorney. They have the authority to act on behalf of the principal within certain defined limits.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: This is a type of power of attorney that remains in effect even if the principal becomes mentally incapacitated. It typically provides broader rights than an LPOA.
  • Notary Public: A notary public is often involved in the process of setting up a power of attorney, as they can authenticate and witness the signing of the legal document.
  • Revocation: This refers to the principal’s ability to revoke (cancel) the limited power of attorney at any point, as long as they are mentally competent to do so.

Sources for More Information

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