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Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN)


Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) are a type of debt instrument that is issued and traded outside of the United States and Canada, typically in Europe. They are underwritten by international syndicates and sold to a broad base of investors. They are flexible and are offered continuously to investors, allowing issuers to raise financing flexibly when required.


The phonetics of the keyword “Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN)” is:- Euro: /’yʊəroʊ/- Medium: /’miːdiəm/- Term: /tɜːrm/- Notes: /noʊts/- EMTN: /’iː /’ɛm /’tiː /’ɛn/The slashes denote the boundaries of the word and the letters between slashes use IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols to represent the sounds.

Key Takeaways

  1. Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) are a flexible debt instrument primarily issued in the international market outside the United States which allows issuers to keep a consistent presence in the capital markets.
  2. EMTNs have various options in terms of the currency of issue, underwriting, maturities, interest rates, and redemption structures, making them a highly customizable funding tool to meet specific financing needs of the issuers.
  3. They are utilized by sovereign states, financial institutions, and companies for raising capital, and they provide means for investors to diversify portfolios with foreign investments without the risks associated with foreign exchanges.


Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) hold significant importance in the world of business and finance because they provide flexibility, capability of raising capital and diversification of funding sources to financial institutions and corporations. EMTNs are debt instruments issued under a program that allows an issuer to offer notes continuously to investors through various dealers, thus offering the flexibility to modify terms and conditions according to the current market situation. This versatile nature of EMTNs makes them a crucial tool for raising funds as per the financing needs, while simultaneously allowing issuers to take advantage of favorable market conditions in different currencies and markets around the globe. Therefore, by providing advantages of customization, diversity and flexibility, EMTNs play a critical role in maintaining strategic financial management of businesses and contributing to the fluidity of global financial markets.


Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) serve a significant role in the international bond market by providing a flexible and efficient borrowing mechanism for issuers. These securities are typically issued for a medium term typically ranging from five to ten years. Being a flexible instrument, it allows issuers to tailor them to fit a wide range of parameters including currency, structure, maturity, and redemption features, to suit its funding and financial management objectives. This means issuers have the freedom to plan the terms of the debt, including the repayment schedule and the interest rate. Primarily, institutions such as governments, agencies, and corporations use EMTNs to raise capital by selling the notes to investors. They use the raised funds for various purposes, including financing capital investments, refinancing existing debts, and supporting business operations. From an investor’s perspective, EMTNs serve as a means of gaining a fixed or floating rate of return over a specified period, exposed to the credit risk of the issuer. This method provides an opportunity for institutional and individual investors to diversify their investment portfolios across various currencies and geographies.


1. HSBC Holdings PLC: In 2019, HSBC announced the issuance of Euro Medium Term Notes worth EUR 1.25 billion for its debt accruement. These notes were set at an issue price of 99.418 per cent. This served to diversify HSBC’s funding sources and allowed the company to continue financing its operations and managing its capital effectively.2. Toyota Motor Corporation: In 2016, this renowned automobile company issued Euro Medium Term Notes worth GBP 250 million. These types of debt instruments help in raising funds in a cost-effective manner, and the amount raised was aimed at supporting the general corporate purposes and operational expenses for Toyota.3. Roche Holding AG: This Swiss multinational healthcare company in 2021 issued EMTN worth CHF 400 million, which was being used to refinance existing debts and for the general corporate purposes. This decision helped Roche leverage the favourable interest rates in Europe, ensuring liquidity in its operations.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What are Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN)?

Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) are debt instruments that allow issuers to raise capital over a medium-term period. This typically involves borrowing for periods ranging between 1 to 10 years.

Who typically issues EMTNs?

EMTNs are commonly issued by institutions like corporations, banks, or governments seeking to raise capital for general operations, funding for specific projects, refinancing debt, or expansion into new markets.

What are the key features of EMTNs?

EMTNs are incredibly flexible, offering a range of maturity dates, interest payment schedules, and currency choices. They typically pay a predetermined amount of interest over a set period and return the principal at maturity.

In which currencies can EMTNs be issued?

EMTNs can be issued in various currencies. The denomination depends on the issuer’s preference and the needs of the investor base. Some examples of used currencies are U.S. dollars, euros, or yen.

How are EMTNs sold?

EMTNs are usually sold in a continuous offering through an agent or dealer, which can be done privately or publicly.

What are the risks involved with EMTNs?

The risks of EMTNs can include credit risk (risk of default by the issuer), exchange rate risk (for notes issued in a foreign currency), and changes in market interest rates which can affect the value of a note.

How can I invest in EMTNs?

Investments in EMTNs can be made through banks or brokers who deal with these types of financial products. It is important to consult with a financial advisor before making such investments.

Who buys EMTNs?

EMTNs are typically bought by investors seeking a fixed or floating rate return for a specific period. This could include individuals, corporate investors or institutions like pension funds and insurance companies. They are especially appealing to investors looking for a potential higher return than what’s currently offered on government bonds.

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