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Asset Coverage Ratio


The Asset Coverage Ratio is a financial metric that measures a company’s ability to cover its debt obligations with its assets after all liabilities have been satisfied. It’s calculated by dividing the company’s total tangible assets by its total debt obligations. A higher ratio indicates greater financial stability as it signifies that the company has more assets compared to its debts.


The phonetics of the keyword “Asset Coverage Ratio” is: AH-sət kuhv-ə-rij reɪ-ʃiː-oʊ

Key Takeaways

  1. Indicator of Financial Health: Asset Coverage Ratio is a key indicator of a company’s financial health. It measures how well a company can cover its debt obligations with its assets, excluding any intangible assets. A higher ratio indicates that a company is more capable of covering its debts, thus showing better financial stability.
  2. Investment Decisions: Investors often use this ratio to make informed decisions. If the ratio is low, it could signal that the company is in financial straits, which might affect its ability to pay dividends or even lead to bankruptcy. Hence, it’s an important tool for risk analysis.
  3. Variations: The calculation of the Asset Coverage Ratio can vary based on the type of company and industry. It’s common to exclude intangibles from the calculation, but some analyses may include them. It’s important for analysts to be consistent in their methods of calculation to allow for accurate comparisons between companies within the same industry.


The Asset Coverage Ratio (ACR) is a crucial term in business and finance because it is used to measure the ability of a company to cover its debt obligations with its assets after all liabilities have been satisfied. It provides a snapshot of the company’s financial health and solvency by evaluating whether it posesses enough assets to repay its debts. A higher ACR indicates that a company can comfortably pay its debt obligations from its available assets. Thus lenders, investors, and stakeholders often use this ratio to make informed decisions. Therefore, it bears significant importance for risk assessment, investment decisions, and the overall financial strategic planning of a company.


The Asset Coverage Ratio (ACR), utilized in financial management, serves a critical purpose. It is an essential tool that helps financial analysts, investors, and creditors to measure a company’s ability to cover debt obligations with its assets, excluding intangible assets. This helps determine the current financial health of a company and its potential ability to repay its long-term debt using its assets. Interestingly, the ratio also serves as an indicator of the financial risk a company presents: the lower the ratio, the higher the risk since it signifies the company’s assets are not sufficient to fulfil its debt obligations. The use of the ACR also extends to making informed decisions relating to investments in a company. From an investor’s or creditor’s point of view, a higher ACR is more preferable, as it shows a company has substantial assets in relation to its debt level. This lowers their risk and increases confidence in the company’s ability to meet its obligations even during tough financial times. Thus, this tool not only helps in assessing the viability of business operations but also in steering strategic investment decisions.


1. Telecom Company: A large telecom company, for example AT&T, may have vast amounts of physical assets (from cell towers to office buildings) as well as intangible assets (like patents). If they have large amounts of debt from investments to expand their services or upgrade technology, investors might look at the Asset Coverage Ratio to assess whether AT&T has enough resources to cover their debt. A high ratio would breed confidence in the company’s financial stability. 2. Manufacturing Plant: Consider a car manufacturing company like Ford that has massive facilities, equipment, and inventory. If Ford was looking to secure more loans for expansion or research and development, a lender could use the Asset Coverage Ratio to assess the risk involved in providing that loan. The ratio would indicate whether Ford’s non-current assets (plant, machinery, etc.) and current assets (inventory) minus its current liabilities are sufficient to cover the loan. 3. Real Estate Company: A real estate firm like CBRE Group, which has numerous properties on its balance sheet, could use the Asset Coverage Ratio when looking to borrow funds. If the ratio is low, it may suggest that CBRE wouldn’t have the ability to cover its debts if it were to sell its assets, leading potential investors or lenders to be wary. Conversely, a high ratio would suggest a lower risk. Remember, a company with an Asset Coverage Ratio of less than 1 doesn’t have enough assets (after paying off shorter-term liabilities) to cover their long-term debt, which could be problematic. Conversely, a high Asset Coverage Ratio indicates financial stability and a lower risk for debtors and investors.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Asset Coverage Ratio?
Asset Coverage Ratio is a financial metric that measures a company’s ability to cover its debt obligations with its assets, after all liabilities have been paid. It is calculated by dividing the company’s total assets by its total debt obligations.
How is Asset Coverage Ratio calculated?
The Asset Coverage Ratio is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from total assets, and then dividing this by total debt obligations.
Why is Asset Coverage Ratio important?
It is important because it provides insight into the financial stability of a company. A higher ratio indicates that the company is more likely to be able to meet its debt obligations.
What is considered a good Asset Coverage Ratio?
Generally, a good Asset Coverage Ratio is considered to be 2 or higher. This means that the company has at least twice the amount of assets as they do debt.
Does a lower Asset Coverage Ratio indicate financial risk?
Yes, a lower Asset Coverage Ratio can indicate increased financial risk, as it suggests that the company may struggle to pay their debt obligations.
Can the Asset Coverage Ratio vary by industry?
Yes, what constitutes a good Asset Coverage Ratio can vary depending on the industry. Some industries might be more capital-intensive and therefore might naturally have a lower ratio.
Does Asset Coverage Ratio consider intangible assets?
No, the Asset Coverage Ratio typically only considers tangible assets in its calculation, not intangible assets like intellectual property or brand recognition.
Can I use the Asset Coverage Ratio to compare companies?
While the Asset Coverage Ratio can give a snapshot of a company’s financial stability, it’s most useful when comparing companies within the same industry. Finance ratios can greatly differ between industries.

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