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Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)


The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is a tax system in the United States that ensures certain high-income individuals, corporations, trusts, and estates pay a minimum amount of tax. It was introduced to prevent these entities from using loopholes to avoid taxation. The AMT calculation takes into account an individual’s adjusted gross income but adds back certain deductions and includes certain types of income exempt from regular taxation.


Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is pronounced as:Alternative – /ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/Minimum – /ˈmɪnɪməm/Tax – /tæks/AMT – /ˌeɪ.emˈtiː/

Key Takeaways


  1. Application: The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) serves as a parallel tax system to the standard income tax and is designed to prevent high-income taxpayers from using legal tax breaks to avoid paying taxes.
  2. Calculation: Those potentially subject to the AMT must calculate their tax liability twice – once under the rules of the regular income tax and once under AMT rules – and then pay the higher amount.
  3. Exemption: Not all taxpayers are subject to the AMT. The tax includes an exemption based on your income level, and this exemption gradually phases out for higher-income taxpayers.



Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is crucial in the business/finance sector as it’s designed to prevent particularly high-income earners from using various tax benefits or loopholes to lower their overall tax liability. The AMT imposes a minimum tax rate, ensuring that these individuals or corporations pay at least a base level of taxes, regardless of the deductions or credits they may otherwise claim. Therefore, it enforces a kind of tax equality and contributes to the fair distribution of tax burdens. Understanding AMT is important for tax planning and financial decision-making, potentially affecting investment strategies and the timing of certain financial actions.


The primary purpose of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is to ensure that high-income individuals, corporations, trusts, and estates pay a minimum amount of tax, regardless of deductions, exemptions, or credits. The AMT was introduced in the U.S. tax system in 1969 to prevent wealthy taxpayers from using plentiful tax benefits to pay little or no tax. By imposing the AMT, the tax system aims to reduce disparities and improve fairness so that all taxpayers contribute proportionately to federal revenue, regardless of their potential to use tax strategies to significantly minimize their tax liabilities.The AMT accomplishes its purpose by setting a limit on how much certain types of income can be shielded from taxation through the use of various exclusions, deductions, or credits. It operates by adding these back into an individual’s taxable income. If the calculated AMT is higher than the regular tax liability, the individual must pay the difference as AMT in addition to the regular tax. Therefore, it affects taxpayers who have what are known as “tax preference items” , which include large deductions and income that receives favorable tax treatment. By implementing the AMT, it mitigates the possibility of a highly wealthy taxpayer reducing their tax liability disproportionately compared to those with lower income brackets.


Example 1: John is a high-income earner with a significant amount of tax exemptions and deductions. Despite making over $500,000 a year, his deductions bring his taxable income below the threshold that would normally put him in a higher tax bracket. However, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) comes into play – it eliminates these deductions, ensuring he pays a minimum amount of tax on his earnings.Example 2: Sarah owns several investment properties which usually come with considerable tax breaks due to depreciation and other real estate investment related deductions. Her income is high, but her income on paper is reduced because of these deductions. Because of the AMT, she has to pay taxes on a portion of her income that she could otherwise have excluded due to these deductions.Example 3: A tech startup company offers its employees stock options as a part of their compensation. Since these options are not taxed until they are exercised, an employee could trigger the AMT by exercising a large number of options in a particular year. Even though the gains on this income might not be fully realized if the stock price falls, the tax would still be due, causing a potentially large tax bill.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)?

The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is a supplemental income tax that is required in addition to baseline income tax for certain individuals, corporations, estates, and trusts that have exemption or special circumstances.

Who has to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax?

The AMT applies to taxpayers with high income by setting a limit on those benefits. It helps to ensure that those taxpayers pay at least a minimum amount of tax.

How is the AMT calculated?

The AMT is calculated according to the IRS’s required method. This includes a determination of the taxable income after certain write-offs.

What income is subject to the AMT?

For the purpose of the AMT, income is most items on a tax return – interest, dividends, business income, capital gains, etc. – and some of those items that are tax-free for regular tax like interest on private activity municipal bonds, and some types of business income.

How can I avoid paying the Alternative Minimum Tax?

Tax planning can sometimes help to avoid the AMT – for instance, by not exercising Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) in a given year or by timing income and deductible expenses. However, the applicability of the strategies will depend on individual situations, and professional advice is necessary.

Does the AMT apply to corporations?

As of the 2018 tax year, the corporate AMT was eliminated. However, prior to this corporations with average annual gross receipts over $7.5 million for the prior three years were subject to the AMT.

What changes were made to the AMT with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act retained the AMT but raised both the exemption and the exemption phaseout amount.

Related Finance Terms

  • Exemption Amount
  • Tax Preference Item
  • AMT Credit
  • Passive Activity Adjustments
  • Form 6251

Sources for More Information

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