In continually looking for ways to save (and make) more money while achieving a healthy balance in life, DailyBread has gathered a number of articles that highlight these goals. Among them is Due’s article on “4 Ways to Increase Daily Productivity Without Working Any Harder.” This article offers tips for those who work from home like finding a company that will deliver a faster Internet speed, learning to stop incessantly checking emails, creating a daily plan and schedule, and finding more tools to help you automate work tasks. Other articles listed in the roundup cover topics like the best money-saving tips for April, 10 bad money habits you need to break, budget-friendly ways to invest in your health, facts about playing the lottery, and cheaper alternatives than buying an Apple Watch. You can read the original article here.
There are still more ways that you can work on improving your personal productivity levels as a freelancer or small business owner. Due collected at least five more hacks that can maximize what you get done.