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3 Killer Holiday Marketing Strategies for Products

Take Advantage of the Upcoming Holiday Season

Business opportunities during the holiday season can get overlooked. Sure, the B2B side of your business may see a lull because clients are taking holiday vacations and are not in the office. But the B2C product area of business is where you can turn your focus. Customers are shopping online in November and December for holiday gifts. A product promotion could entice them to buy while they’re already in the shopping mindset. Here are some marketing strategies to consider:

Collaborate With a Goal in Mind 

I’ve always been a big fan of collaboration. Collaboration gets your name out there to other audiences. Collaboration also means working with friends which is always a good time. Make sure that whatever collaboration you do there’s intention behind it. What product are you promoting? How will it further your business?

I’m collaborating with my mastermind on a product bundle that we’ll offer at a discount. The beauty of this is it’s a joint marketing venture. Each business owner who contributes a product is promoting it. This can get your name, business, and products seen. Product bundles are typically for low-ticket items or introductory products like an ebook, mini-course, or workbook. It gives the customer a taste. If they like what’s cooking, they’ll seek you out to learn more about the other things you have to offer.

You can create your own bundle by connecting with business owners within your industry. Ask if they’d like to throw in a product to the bundle. Set up a sales page and split the profits. Ultimate Bundles is a great example of how far you could take this strategy.

Throw a Gift in to Draw Attention to the Offer 

Another option is packaging your own products. If you have a high-ticket course or program, you could throw in an extra service or product that’s like an appetizer to sweeten the deal. For affiliate marketers, another strategy is sending customers one of your own products when they sign up for one of your affiliates. If the affiliate commission is higher than the product, it’s a win for both of you.

Cater to the New Year’s Resolution Crowd 

The fun doesn’t stop after the turkey is eaten and gifts are open either. At the beginning of the year, people are looking to make changes in their lives. They’re setting resolutions and looking for solutions to get them where they need to be.

It’s also the winter. I’ve been blogging and working online for 5 years. It never fails—winter months are when my site tends to get more traffic. People are cooped up inside and surfing the internet looking for entertainment and information. If this is also when your site peeks, take advantage of the increased traffic. Start preparing from today.

If your product or idea is a lifestyle solution, plan to ramp up your marketing in January and February. If you don’t yet have a product, start putting feelers out there with surveys. Ask your customers what they need and create it.

Final Word

The end of the year can be a time when we throw our hands up and coast until the ball drops. Stay in the game. Take advantage of the income opportunities available for the next few months.

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Personal Finance Writer
Taylor K. Gordon is a personal finance writer and founder of Tay Talks Money, a personal finance and productivity blog on hacking your way to a happier savings account. Taylor has contributed to MagnifyMoney, The Huffington Post, GoGirl Finance, Madame Noire, and The Write Life.

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