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5 Tips to Make More Money Today

Most of us are looking for ways to make more money. The idea of boosting your income probably comes with visions of increased freedom, more flexibility, and better security.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be very hard to make more money today. While you might not see the dollars in your bank account immediately, the things you do right now can make a difference later. Here are 5 tips to help you make more money today:

1. Do a Little Extra Freelance Work

There are some surprising low-cost businesses you can start from home. With many freelancing businesses, all you need is a computer and an Internet connection.

When I want to make more money, I take on a new client, or do some other type of extra work, whether it’s writing an extra article or providing an hour of consulting.

If you are set up for freelance work, see if you can do a little extra in order to bring in a little more cash.

2. Raise Your Rates

One of the easiest ways to make more money today is to raise your rates. Whether you are selling items on Etsy, or writing articles, you can boost your prices in order to boost your income. Over time, I’ve found this is an effective way to earn more money without having to do more work. It’s a good way to balance your life as well as benefit from an income standpoint.

3. Pursue Leads

Right now, in my email inbox, there are three different leads for more money. These are things I should prioritize today. You can do the same thing with your own business. Look at the way you have been pursuing (or not pursuing) leads. Focus on income-producing activities and leads. If you can close a deal with a small amount of effort, or answer an email from someone offering you money, you will be in better shape going forward. Take the time to pursue leads each day so that you have some focus on income generation.

Focus on income-producing activities and leads. If you can close a deal with a small amount of effort, or answer an email from someone offering you money, you will be in better shape going forward. Take the time to pursue leads each day so that you have some focus on income generation.

4. Build Your Email List

Long-term, there are few things that can more effectively lead to more income for your business than building your email list. If you want to make more money, tweak your offerings. Find ways to build your email list through value-adds. You should also spend time crafting messages that people actually want to see in their email. Take time each day to work on this a little bit, and you might be surprised at the results.

5. Leverage Your Visibility

You can use your visibility to make more money today. Have you been using resources like HARO that can get your name out there? When you are mentioned in a major media outlet, are you prepared? Make sure you have fresh content and other attractive items on your website so that when people visit you as a result of media exposure your home on the web looks good.

When you set yourself apart as an expert who can be trusted, you have a better chance of converting those visitors into customers.

Many of the activities you choose to engage in each day can contribute to your financial well-being and lead to a higher income — as long as you approach them in the right way.

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Credit Expert
I’m Miranda and I’m a freelance financial journalist and money expert. My specialties are investing, small business/entrepreneurship and personal finance. The journey to business success and financial freedom is best undertaken with fellow travelers.

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