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5 Things You Must Know Before Taking up Freelancing

Interesting Facts About Freelancing

You know that being a freelancer gives you flexibility and freedom. Freelancing means you work independently and in most instances, in your own home office. You know that the potential income is virtually limitless. You know that there are many benefits to working for yourself.

So, you have decided that you want to own your own time and live the life of a freelancer due to the benefits. But do you know if you have exactly what it takes to be freelancer?

Here’s a few things you must to know before you taking up freelancing…

  1. You must have a fully equipped home office set up. Telephone with long distance capabilities, computer with high-speed internet access, email, MS Office. Your office should be in a different part of your house so you can work quietly. You should also have messaging capability like MSN, Yahoo, or Skype.
  2. Ask yourself if you have the self-discipline necessary to work on your own as a freelancer. Are you comfortable sitting at a computer for hours at a time? Do you work well independently? Are you capable of meeting deadlines and getting tasks done on time? This is a very important aspect of freelancing, so be sure you can answer yes to all of these questions.
  3. Do you have enough reserve funds to sustain you in between freelancing jobs? When you first start out, you may find that it will take some time to get your first freelancing job. Keep in mind that, at least at first, the tasks you do may only take a few days or a week to complete. You may get another job right away, or it may take longer. You must budget yourself accordingly. As you get more experienced and qualified, you will not have to wait long in between jobs. Some Buyers may even hire you on a repeated basis if they are happy with your work.
  4. What kind of freelance work would you like to do? There are virtually no limits as to what kind of freelance jobs you can pick up: article writing, desktop publishing, web content, web design, data entry, database management – the list is goes on. What skills do you have, or would like to develop further? Establishing a niche will allow you to specialize in one or two areas. Freelancers who have a specialty can usually charge more for their services.
  5. Do your research. Search the web for sites that hire freelancers to get an idea of what companies are looking for. You should be able to find a multitude of websites and discussion boards that give information on how to better your freelancing skills, where to find work, etc. You should also consider joining a professional freelancing association. These associations usually charge a membership fee, but in many cases it’s worth it. You will gain many tips on how to find work, how to increase your qualifications and much more.

Once you have completed a few freelancing jobs, you will have a much better idea of whether you’re suited for this type of work. You can also build on your experience and each task you take on will get bigger; hence, you have the chance of making more money. Pretty soon, you will be a professional freelancer!

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Finance Author
William Lipovsky owns the personal finance website First Quarter Finance. He began investing when he was 10 years old. His financial works have been published on Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Forbes, U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo Finance, and many others.

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