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5 Things Your Financial Planner Isn’t Saying

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When you hire a financial planner, you need to find someone whom you can build a rapport and communicate easily with. In addition, you need to be able to put your trust in them and know that they are going to keep your information confidential. They must be trustworthy because you are essentially putting your future in their hands.

But how do you know your financial planner is being straight up with you in regard to your overall financial plan? Is it possible there are things your financial planner isn’t saying?

Here are some things your financial planner may be thinking, but isn’t necessarily saying out loud.

1. “I am Following My Agenda More Than I am Following Yours”

Although a financial planner makes their money by making you money, they were still hired to do a job. Additionally, unless you have a very large amount of assets for them to manage, you are probably not their only client.

This means part of their job is to bring in and manage other clients and their finances in addition to yours.  In fact, your financial advisor might have one or more clients with assets that significantly outweigh yours.

What does this mean?

When it comes down to it your financial advisor is looking out for their own interests. Sure, they might be offering you sound financial advice, but is it the best advice they could be giving you?

2. “You are Not Worth My Time”

More than likely a financial planner won’t tell say it to your face, but they are going to judge whether or not you are a good prospective client. If neither they nor their company can make money off you they will not be interested in taking you on as a client.

3. “I’m Charging You Too Much”

Again, words you won’t hear coming from the mouth of your financial advisor. Of course you are going to be charged by them for the services they do. It is expected that you aren’t going to get their expertise and advice for nothing. However, that doesn’t mean they should get to gouge you for it either.

One way to know if your financial advisor is overcharging you is to ask for a breakdown of their charges and services. If you ask and are given a vague answer it may be time to look for someone different to help with your financial needs.

4. “I am Not Credentialed”

Your financial planner definitely won’t disclose it to you if they are not credentialed. Look for letters after their names on the certificates hanging on their walls. You should see CFP, CPA, or CFA. These are indicators they truly experts in their fields rather than only claiming to be.

5. Financial Planner isn’t saying “Pay Down Your Debt”

A financial planner wants to make money off you and your money. Therefore, they want your assets to have as much value as possible so they can make more money off of you. It is unlikely that they will tell you to pay off your debts and more likely that they will tell you to keep your money invested.

Keeping your money invested means keeping it under their control and making money for them. However, if you have some high interest debt it might be wise to pay it off before investing.

Finding a financial planner you can trust is important. However, it is also important to pay attention to these 5 things your financial planner isn’t saying to make sure your financial future is more secure.

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Financial Author
Kayla is passionate about helping people get their finances in order so they can pursue a life of freedom. She quit her job to work for herself with over $148,000 of debt and swears it was the best decision she’s ever made!

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