It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen office shelves stuffed with over-extended manila folders, waste paper bins overflowing with loose leaf and fax machines piled up with unread faxes.

However, as a result of our great shift towards electronic correspondence and digital word processors, we know have electronic paper tucked away in dark spaces in hard drives, piled up email inboxes, and reams of loose leaf floating free in the almighty Cloud. While they often don’t pose a problem until we start running out of space (or paying for more!), we’ve all felt the tinge of shame after rooting around a hard drive, email inbox or Google Drive to find an old college paper or electronic receipt for Windows XP.

One way to reduce this digital waste is by carrying on your electronic transactions on a platform like Due, which can provide a safe space to track all your finances cleanly (without having to search through your email inbox for old invoices).

For more advice on cutting down on e-paper waste, read “It’s Time to Clean Up Our Digital Waste” on